Ear Surgery

Ear Surgery

Otoplasty: Aesthetic and Functional Correction of Prominent Ears

The presence of prominent ears, or “protruding” ears, is produced by the alteration of the shape, relief or angulation of the ear in relation to the person’s skull. It is a developmental disorder of the ear and is related to hereditary factors. Otoplasty, which is the surgery that corrects the deformities present in the ear, can be performed through several techniques that sculpt and model the auricular cartilage and reposition it correctly.

The scar from the procedure is located in the fold behind the ear, and generally has good aesthetic quality.

The surgery can be performed from 6 or 7 years of age, when the child manages to collaborate with the procedure, and begins his school phase, in which he may be susceptible to stigmatization and nicknames, which can affect him psychologically and emotionally. their social interaction. The result is visible already in the immediate postoperative period, but it is necessary to use a restraining immobilizer for at least 15 days. The final result is observed after 6 months. In children it may be necessary to perform the procedure under general anesthesia, while in adults it may be performed under local anesthesia or local anesthesia and sedation.

Aesthetic / Reconstructive Surgical


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